Cartas Militares Portugal
Note: Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. 'New Map of Spain and Portugal, by E. Mentelle, Member of the National Institute of Sciences at Paris, and P. Chanlaire, one of the Authors of the ' National Atlas;' published by John Stockdale, in a case. London 1808 A new Military Map of Portugal. The Roads from the ' Carta Militar,' published by the French in Lisbon. - During the first century B.C.E. A complex system of surveillance towers was established during Rome's colonization of the central Alentejo region of Portugal. These towers provided visual control over the landscape, routes through it, and hidden or isolated places as part of the Roman colonization of. The Archaeology of Roman Surveillance in the Central Alentejo, Portugal.
Hi, welcome to this forum. To manage the 'Cartas Militares' i use ozyexplorer.
They have a PC and a PDA version and allow you to use the maps to navigate to the cache. It´s very usefull if you´re planning long routes along the mountains or forests even if most caches we have in Portugal are just a few meters away from a normal road. Those that are not you will probably need to do some homework first. Most of the military maps that i know that are used by geocachers, bikers and offroaders are out of date, specially in the big cities areas. In the interior of the country you should be ok.
You can also try to use google earth or google maps. If that part of the country is covered it would be a great help. Another great help is to ask other geocachers for help. You may want to check this site also It´s in Portuguese but if you write in english someone will answer you. Regards Alberto aka manchanegra. Most of the military maps that i know that are used by geocachers, bikers and offroaders are out of date, specially in the big cities areas That's OK, I don't plan to go anywhere near any cities.a trip to Aldi in Caldas is about as urban as I intend to get, I think I can find somewhere to tie the horse up while I do the shopping How do you get hold of the Cartas Militares in digital, downloadable format?
I have a paper one of the area where my house is near Caldas (getting that was hard enough ). Well, i said 'Most caches', not all caches. There are some in unusual places. You might want to check this one It´s just a few meters away from the road, but it´s not that easy to get. You may find some trees on the other side of the road from Aldi where you can 'park' the horse. You can buy the military maps here or maybe you can find someone to borrow the maps from. Anyway, we will be almost neighbours because i use to hangout in the Peniche/Baleal region very often.
Avisos Legais
And, if you can go there by horse i will probably manage to go there with the 4x4. Regards Alberto.
You all make me feel so inadequate.the Portuguese are all so nice and helpfull and I am useless at the language Hi Gytha Ogg, Don't worry about it. Whenever you need, you can post in english here or in our portuguese foruns. There's allways someone available to help. Let me just add some more specific links to what manchanegra pointed; In, there are some links to our geocaching reference sites but in one of them, (with a version in english), you can find our great Cache's Map where you can pick the region you want and choose the caches that might interest you.
As said, most caches are placed near major cities but the best caches were created in the back country, within forests, on the top our mountains, needing several hours of walking by foot, or in caves, several tenths of meters underground, so you won't have any trouble finding some interesting caches to search for. Edited February 8, 2007 by MAntunes. Thank you both so much for the warm welcome and the interesting information. I have purchased a second hand Magellan Sportrk Colour GPS which I am slowly starting to understand a little. As a barely computer literate elderly female technophobe I find it very challenging, but great fun.
It seems to be quite user friendly and fairly idiot proof I am coming to Portugal in March for two weeks. I have to work in the Algarve for a couple of days but will be heading up to Caldas da Rainha to see my house and have a holiday. I will borrow one of my frinds horses and take my GPS for a ride in the forest for some practice!