How To Install Cccam Manually
Page 2 of 2 - How to install CCcam manually openpli 4 - posted in EN Enduser support: Then something is seriously wrong. Download the latest image for your box from our website, flash it, and try again. If there is no image for your box on our homepage, we do not support your box, and you dont run OpenPLi. Could someone kindly share or direct any link how to manually install cccam latest on enigma2 for original DM500HD #2, 18:47. This guide is intended to show how to install a plugin, softcam, skin or extension that comes packed as an ipk file on your enigma2 receiver. Most plugins, skins or softcams come packed inside a.ipk file.
How To Install Cccam Manually
You can install Cccam manual from your pc into your dm500 You can do that with an FTP programm like DCC ( Dreambox Control Center). FTP CCcam.ppc to var/bin rename CCcam.ppc to CCcam set the atributes on 755 ( reed right execute ) FTP the config files to: var/etc Butt.
To start and stop the Emu you need a script. It depends on the Image you use, you can not use a script from nabilo Image for EDG Image ( for example ) You can start the Emu with Telnet commands var/bin/CCcam & But using a script is more Comfortable so. Emmc software app. If you tell us wich Image you use someone from this board can help you further.