Auto Combo For Bk
Is it combo program? Any macro program can do it, or you can use keyboard to. Or you can use game makro to. Or you can use mouse bug to. Or you can use any bugs to do it.
Its pressing only 23123? And why should he need press #@? Be old guys. This is The Second time you post Useless Question and Answer to my post!!
Auto Combo For Bk 2
1st Look Carefully On the screenshot or look 10times if you dont understand. BTW you Play BK??? I have Macro in My Keyboard And Mice Legit Official Software of the Brand But i Dont use it. Macro = Auto = Cheat LMAO the thing is. We are not allowed to use any Program that Gives Us Advantage to Other Player! Such As AUTO COMBO/POTS If im not mistaken the only Program allowed to use ON MU Online is WTFast and Killping ETC. For Better Internet Connection!
Auto Backup for MySQL is a powerful Windows tool that makes it easy to schedule the backing up and restoring of your remote and local MySQL databases. It's easy to back up one or many databases, and restore them to the same server, or to any server.
And At Last All The Details Needed Are Provided On the Post!! He want To say 'y Lancer' But Forget To Turn Off Auto COMBO/POTS. In result he enter '321123y32Q1 123#@L!a123nc321err' read the Word Mix On Numbers And Look at The Screen Shot if This i allowed Then GG!! Cheers, powerpots. Is it combo program? Any macro program can do it, or you can use keyboard to.
Or you can use game makro to. Or you can use mouse bug to. Or you can use any bugs to do it. Its pressing only 23123? And why should he need press #@?
Be old guys. It's auto combo daghan, don't just answer or reply if you don't have any idea on how autocombo or autopots work. Auto combo is set in sequence 23 or 3321. If autocombo is active and the user wants to type something, the sequence will automatically type on its own in the chat box and it will mix to the message that a player wants to send just like '321123y32Q1 123#@L!a123nc321err'. Maybe do some research first Daghan before you reply to this thread. Oh boy.u really confuse the word hack/programm with server Rules talks about hacking the server not for using macro from the keyboard.i paid my Corsair k70 200 Euro for that reason to be able to set is that hack?
Im just w8ing Admin to close that topic coz im really tired. Lol are you kidding?? Im using Razer deathstalker+deathadder if i want to use macro. I can do it too. The thing is you use macro to gives you advantage againts Other Player.
Please Admin/GM reply to This Topic if this Macro Thing is Legal Or Not On this Server. Well then Donate gives u advantage from other ppl.its the same thing.they can donate too.let them go buy good mechanichal keyboard. It's not the same and stop arguing about this, Macro and other programs that gives you advantage USING PROGRAMS are CHEATS. That's all, bear with it.
Donating is just a shortcut since we get credits just by doing resets, there's some people that have more sets and FO stuff than me (a donor) and they made it all with resets alone. I'll say it again USING MACRO IS CHEATING in any game.
Auto Combo For Bk Sale
Hey, I have been using this other hotkey program to use in this game called MuOnline. It is really simple and it sort of works. I made two hotkeys on it for one to hold right until I press right again to do a skill in the game and another that is supposed to do a combo but it doesn't want to work. So now I heard about this program AutoHotkey and was wanting to see if I could get it working with this one but don't really understand how to use this. I was trying to make a hotkey Ctrl+Shift+Z to hold the right mouse button until I press right mouse again. And then Ctrl+Shift+X to hold right mouse button and press 1, 2, 3, and 4 to go through the skills the character has when attacking.
But with this I can't even figure out the simple hold right mouse. And I am not sure why it was not working in the other program because if I press the chat button before my combo hotkey to test if its really typing the buttons I can see it is putting 1234 buttons.
So I don't know.maybe it is using the buttons on the keypad which do not do anything in the game, I have the use the #s above the letters. It needs a lot of health after this power up skill which just takes too long when having to press Q 30 times and do the combo skill and attack another player at the same time.
But I am not sure I will be able to use it anymore, can't run the ahk file or compile it without getting that error every time. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't fix it. So now I am trying to learn how to use Autoit and do the same over there.
Edit: I found a way I can still run my scripts but I am currently only able to use the ahk it automatically created in My Documents when I opened AutoHotkey. So it works now, sorta, but I would really like to be able to Compile this into an.exe file.