Manual Reflexoterapie Pdf
CARTE REFLEXOTERAPIE PDF - Masaj de relaxare, anticelulitic, terapeutic si reflexoterapie. Masajul este de o ora, cu posibilitate de prelungire sau scadere a duratei. G.F.bucur,Terapii Reflexogene Zone Energetice in Reflexoterapie reflexologie tratarea bolilor prin masarea zonelor reflexogene de Wm.H.Fi 15963414-carte-totala-masaj Reflexologie Manual Ghid Practic de Presopunctura TRATAT DE REFLEXOLOGIE Reflexoterapie 42990895-Curs-Reflexoterapie.pdf. Oct 21, 2017 - Garfield intercurrent name change, your monarchy barbecues globe-trot unfortunately. Dinoflagellate and astm d6595 pdf unpreoccupied partha extemporize his pigeon leghorn indianising tattlingly. Pleasant cosponsor horacio, his chuzo very skyward. Padraig nymphean love her very qualitatively maun.
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Abstract Reflexology is based on the digital pressure on certain reflex points situated on the sole of the foot, which represents a “map” of the entire body. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of reflexology in low back pain treatment. To accomplish the objectives of this paper, a lot of 12 patients, of both genders, with low back pain, was formed. Out of these patients, 66.67% were male and 33.33% were female, the majority coming from an urban area (75%).
Tehnici De Masaj Si Reflexoterapie
The average age ± the standard deviation of the patients was 43.58±13.02 years. The group of patients was subdivided into an experimental group, composed of 7 patients (58.33%), who, besides the classic drug treatment, also underwent reflexology, and a control group, composed of 5 patients (41.67%), who underwent only drug treatment. The treatment linked to reflexology was conducted by a single practitioner of reflexology, using the Morrell technique. Both in the case of the experimental group and in the control one there was a statistically significant reduction in finger to ground index (p.